Berbagi lebih baik daripada disimpan sendiri

by: Joel Comm

How long is a piece of string?

No one would ever ask such a stupid question, would they? Well, I get asked some pretty silly questions sometimes. Like “How long will it take before I become a successful online publisher?”

There’s no one answer to that. Not just because it depends on the number of hours you work each day, the quality of your content and your skill at generating traffic.

But also because it depends on your definition of success.

For many of the people I’ve helped build revenue-generating websites, success simply means a little extra income on top of their regular salary. For others, it means a chance to replace their salary with work they can do from home. And for a few, it means nothing less than a house in Cancun and a team of trained staff to do all the work while they spend the profits on the beach.

There’s only one real measure of success though.

It’s not the number of dollars in your bank account…

It’s not the amount of traffic your site receives…

And it’s not even the size of the check that Google sends you each month.

It’s the amount of pleasure you get out of being an online publisher.

Online publishing is a job. It’s a job that can pay a lot of money and let you set your work conditions. But like any job, if you don’t enjoy it, you shouldn’t be doing it.

That’s sound advice in any field but in online publishing, it’s particularly true. That’s because there’s no better measure of your content’s interest level than the amount of fun you had creating it.

If you enjoy creating your site, people will enjoy reading it.
They’ll come back, tell their friends and click your ads.

Achieve success by enjoying being an online publisher, and it won’t be long before you’re successful by all those other measures too.

Want to learn more about being a successful publisher?

Rick Butts has persuaded me to join him for a very unique teleseminar series called “Visitor 2 Cash”, in which I and several other Internet success stories will be sharing the ways that we generate multiple revenue streams through our sites.

Looks at the names that are going to be spilling their secrets on this series…

– Nathan Anderson (of Metawebs fame)
– Rick Raddatz (audio generator fame)
– Kirt Christensen (Internet marketing legend)
– and more!

Live life today!


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